beat365官方网站 硕士生导师
电子邮件: qfwangyy@mail.ustc.edu.cn
办公地址: 东九A 2-42
研究方向: AI医疗、医学图像智能分析、计算机辅助诊断、深度学习、机器学习
社会兼职: IEEE Member, CCF 会员
主讲课程: 智能医学概论、Python程序设计、大学计算机
近期论文(*代表通信作者,#代表共同一作) 1. Qingfeng Wang, Ying Zhou, Jun Huang*, Zhiqin Liu, Ling Li, Weiyun Xu, and Jie-Zhi Cheng. Hierarchical Attention-Based Multiple Instance Learning Network for Patient-level Lung Cancer Diagnosis. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2020. (CCF推荐的B类会议) 2. Qingfeng Wang#, Qiyu Liu#, Guoting Luo, Zhiqin Liu*, Jun Huang, Yuwei Zhou, Ying Zhou, Weiyun Xu and Jie-Zhi Cheng. Automated Segmentation and Diagnosis of Pneumothorax on Chest X-rays with Fully Convolutional Multi-Scale ScSE-DenseNet: A Retrospective Study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2020. (SCI) 3. Qingfeng Wang; Jun Huang*; Zhiqin Liu; Jie-Zhi Cheng; Ying Zhou; Qiyu Liu; Yaobin Wang; Xuehai Zhou; Chao Wang; Higher-order Transfer Learning for Pulmonary Nodule Attribute Prediction in Chest CT Images, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2019. (CCF推荐的B类会议) 4. Qingfeng Wang; Jie-Zhi Cheng*; Ying Zhou; Hang Zhuang; Changlong Li; Bo Chen; Zhiqin Liu; Jun Huang; Chao Wang; Xuehai Zhou*; Low-Shot Multi-label Incremental Learning for Thoracic Diseases Diagnosis, The 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), 2018. (CCF推荐的C类会议) 5. Qingfeng Wang; Jie-Zhi Cheng; Zhiqin Liu; Jun Huang; Qiyu Liu; Ying Zhou; Weiyun Xu; Chao Wang; Xuehai Zhou*; Multi-order Transfer Learning for Pathologic Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodule Malignancy, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2018. (CCF推荐的B类会议) 6. Qingfeng Wang; Xuehai Zhou; Chao Wang; Zhiqin Liu; Jun Huang; Ying Zhou; Changlong Li; Hang Zhuang; Jie-Zhi Cheng*; WGAN-Based Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique: Improving Semantic Fine-Grained Classification for Lung Nodules in CT Images, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 18450-18463. (SCI) 7. Guoting Luo, Zhiqin Liu*, Qingfeng Wang, Qiyu Liu, Ying Zhou, Weiyun Xu, Jun Huang, Jie Fu, Jie-Zhi Cheng. Fully convolutional multi-scale scse-densenet for automatic pneumothorax segmentation in chest radiographs. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2019. (CCF推荐的B类会议) 8. 罗国婷,刘志勤*,周莹,王庆凤,郑介志,刘启榆.基于密集卷积网络的X线气胸检测与定位[J].计算机应用, 2019,39(12):3541-3547. 9. 张驰名, 王庆凤, 刘志勤*, 黄俊, 周莹, 刘启榆, 徐卫云. 基于深度迁移学习的肺结节辅助诊断方法[J]. 计算机工程, 2020,46(01):271-278. 10. 张驰名,王庆凤,刘志勤*,黄俊,陈波,付婕,周莹.基于深度学习的胸部常见病变诊断方法[J].计算机工程, 2020. 11. 肖禾,刘志勤*,王庆凤,黄俊,周莹,刘启榆,徐卫云.基于迁移学习的多视角乳腺肿块和钙化簇分类方法.计算机应用. 2020. 12. He Xiao, Qingfeng Wang, Zhiqin Liu*, Jun Huang, Yuwei Zhou, Ying Zhou, and Weiyun Xu. CSABlock-based Cascade RCNN for Breast Mass Detection in Mammogram. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2020. (CCF推荐的B类会议)
主持军民融合项目1项 主持西南科技大学博士基金1项 参与国家自然基金2项
Reviewer for Journals: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI) ; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) ; IEEE Access ; Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.
2015.9-2019.6 中国科学技术大学 软件工程 博士