
    潘娅 / panya

    beat365官方网站  教授 硕士研究生导师


    办公地址: 东9A-238

    研究方向: 软件测评、软件质量保证技术等

    社会兼职: IEEE会员、CCF会员、中国计算机学会容错计算专委执行委员

    主讲课程: 《软件测试技术》、《软件质量保证技术》、《需求工程》




    教材: 【1】朱少民,张玲玲,潘娅,软件质量保证和管理(第2版),清华大学出版社,2019年 【2】潘娅,范勇,王顺,李绘卓,软件测试技术与实践,西安电子科技大学出版社,2016年 【3】王顺,潘娅,盛安平,软件测试方法与技术实践指南-JavaEE篇(第3版),清华大学出版社,2014年 代表性论文: 1. L. Tan, Y. Sun, Y. Pan and Y. Fan,“An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Generation of Pairwise Combination Test Cases” 2022 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls (ISCSIC) 2. Yue Ma,Ya Pan,*, and Yong Fan, Metamorphic Testing for the Medical Image Classification Model,2022 IEEE 22th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion(CCF-C类) 3. Yue Ma,Ya Pan,*, and Yong Fan, Metamorphic Testing of Classification Program For The COVID-19 Intelligent Diagnosis, 2022 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA)( support by the Sichuan Science and Technology Program NO. 2020YFS0318 and NO.2021YFG0031) 4. Ya Pan,Haiyang Ao,Yong Fan,Metamorphic Testing for Autonomous Driving Systems in Fog Based on Quantitative Measurement,2021 IEEE 21th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion(QRS-C) (support by the Sichuan Science and Technology Program NO. 2020YFS0318 and NO. 2019YFS0155) 5. Mingshuang Qing,Xiuting Ge,ZhanWei Hui*,Ya Pan*,Yong Fan,Xiaojuan Wang,Xu Cao,An Empirical Study on Spectral Clustering-based Software Defect Detection,2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA) (supported in part by Key research and development projects of the Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province (Project ID: 2020YFS0307)) 6. Tongtong Bai, Yong Fan, Ya Pan*, Mingshuang Qing, Metamorphic Testing for Traffic Lights Recognition in Autonomous Driving Systems,2021 IEEE 21th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion(QRS-C) (supported in part by Sichuan Science and Technology Program NO.2020YFS0318.) 7. Mingshuang Qing;Xiang Feng;Jun Luo;Wanmin Huang;Jingui Zhang;Ping Wang;Yong Fan;Xiuting Ge;Ya Pan,A machine learning-based static analysis warning prioritization,2021 IEEE 21th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion(QRS-C) (supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No.2018YFB1403400). 8. Sijia Li,Yong Fan.*,Yue Ma,Ya Pan,Evaluation of Dataset Distribution and LabelQuality for Autonomous Driving System,2021 IEEE 21th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion(QRS-C) (This work has been supported in part by Key researchand development projects of the Science and Technol-ogy Department of Sichuan Province (Project ID:NO.2019YFS0155). 9. Haiyang Ao, Ya Pan, Yong Fan,and Yue Ma,FakeNight: A Method of Metamorphic Testing for Autonomous Driving System in Night Scene,第十九届全国容错计算学术会议(CCF CFTC)(supported by Keyresearch and development projects of the Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province (NO.2021YFG0031,NO.2020YFS0318) 10. Tongtong Bai1, Yong Fan1;2, Ya Pan1;2, and Mingshuang Qing,Robustness Evaluation of Traffic Light Detection Models using Metamorphic Testing,第十九届全国容错计算学术会议(CCF CFTC)(supported by Keyresearch and development projects of the Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province (NO.2020YFS0318) 11. 潘娅,敖海洋,蜕变测试在机器学习领域的应用,西安邮电大学学报,2020, v.25;No.145(04) 81-89 (四川省科技厅项目(NO.2020YFS0318, NO. 2019YFS0155)) 12. Ya Pan*, Xiuting Ge, Chunrong Fang,Yong Fan,A Systematic Literature Review of Android Malware Detection Using Static Analysis,IEEE Access,2020 13. Peng Yang,Zixi Liu , Jin Xu,Yong Huang,Ya Pan*, An Empirical Study on the Ability Relationships between Programming and Testing,IEEE Access,2020 14. Xiuting Ge*, Ya Pan*, Chunrong Fang, Yong Fan*,AMDroid: Android Malware Detection Using Function Call Graphs,2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion(QRS-C) 15. Yunqi Du* ,Ya Pan* ,Haiyang Ao,O.ALEX,Yong Fan*,Automatic Test Case Generation and Optimization Based on Mutation Testing,2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C) 16. 甘 佳*,张茂凡,周志寰,任 想,潘 娅*,基于反编译技术的 Android 应用自动化测试方案,西南科技大学学报,2019. 17. 杜昀岐*,潘 娅*,甘 佳,一种针对 Java程序的充分变异算子集, 西南科技大学学报,2018. 18. 葛修婷*,潘 娅*,机器学习技术在软件测试领域的应用,西南科技大学学报,2018.

    • 模拟激活电池及充放电机 • LTIB780数字对讲系统服务器软件升级开发 • LTIB780数字对讲系统软件升级开发

    • 西南科技大学2020年度优秀教师 • 2018年四川省教学成果三等奖 • 2013年四川省教学成果三等奖 • 西南科技大学2012年度“师德标兵” • 西南科技大学2009年度优秀教师 • 西南科技大学2009年度“学科建设与研究生教育贡献奖” • 西南科技大学2008年度优秀教学管理工作者 • 西南科技大学2004年度、2006年度、2007年度优秀教学质量奖

    • 2015年9月~2016年9月:美国东北州立大学,访问学者 • 2000年9月~2003年6月:重庆大学电气工程学院,获得硕士学位 • 1992年9月~1996年6月:西南科技大学信息与控制工程学院,获得学士学位 • 1996年7月至今:西南科技大学beat365官方网站 工作

  • 地址:四川省绵阳市涪城区青龙大道中段59号(621010)
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