  • 哥伦比亚圣地亚哥卡利大学Claudia Zuniga教授学术报告
    2016-12-14 11:12:53      阅读:6102

    报告题目:The Urban Computing: Challenges and Opportunities

    报告人:Claudia Zuniga




    Claudia Liliana Zuñiga-Cañon received a PhD in Telematics Engineer and a master degree in Advanced Studies of Telematics Engineer from the University of Vigo (Spain). She graduated as a Systems and Telematics Engineer from Santiago de Cali University (Colombia); she is a member of IEEE and the Chair of Computer Society Colombia Chapter. Director of Mobile Computing and Broadband Laboratory (COMBA R&D),. Currently, she is an exclusive full-time Professor in the Postgraduate School in the Faculty of Engineering of Santiago de Cali University. She has been a Visitor Professor in University of Oulu at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (Finland) and Baja California Autonomous University (Mexico). Also is a member of Head Committee of International Consortium of Mobile Computing Research (I2COMM).

    She has worked in international projects about Architecture and Software Design of Pervasive and Ubiquitous Social Networks Platforms. Her research interests include Urban Computing Systems, Service Architecture, and Collaborative Environments, Augmented Reality, Smart Contexts, Smart Cities and Mobile Devices Programming.


    The cities are complex ecosystems to model, due to the high number of variables that should be considered, including social, technological and urban aspects. In this way, this talk will show the importance to use the models, architectures or platforms of urban computing, that allow modeling the ubiquitous cities, as well as, mechanisms that allow you to understand the behavior of individuals and to develop services adapted for them.

  • 地址:四川省绵阳市涪城区青龙大道中段59号(621010)
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