Flash Memory Management for Embedded Systems
报告人: 邵子立
Flash memory is driving a storage revolution with its pervasion in our daily lives. It can be found everywhere from consumer electronics such as cell phones, cameras, USB flash drives, TVs and toys to enterprise storage systems such as SSDs and enterprise flash drivers. In this talk, I will introduce our recent work in flash memory management for embedded systems. In particular, three techniques: Real-Time-FTL (Real-time NANF Flash Translation Layer), DAC (Demand-based block level Address mapping scheme with two-level Caching mechanism), and 3D-FlashMap (A Physical-Location-Aware Block Mapping Strategy for 3D NAND Flash Memory), will be presented. In Real-Time-NFTL, we present a flash translation layer that can greatly improve both the worst-case and average response time. In DAC, we propose a novel demand-based block-level address mapping scheme with two-level caching mechanism for large-scale NAND flash storage systems, so the RAM footprint can be greatly reduced without sacrificing too much system response time. In 3D-FlashMap, we propose a novel physical-location-aware block mapping strategy for three dimensional NAND flash memory. 3D-FlashMap can permute the physical mapping of blocks and maximize the distance between consecutively logical blocks, which can significantly reduce the disturbance to adjacent physical pages and effectively enhance the reliability.
邵子立,男,37岁,副教授,博士,香港理工大学电子计算学系,2005年在美国德州大学获得博士学位(博士论文获得美国德州大学达拉斯分校Erik Jonsson工程与计算机学院2004-2005年度计算机科学最佳博士论文奖),研究方向为嵌入式系统设计与优化。邵子立博士是嵌入式软件和系统国际会议 (The 2008 International Conference of Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS) ) 2008 年会的会议主席,多核片上系统国际研讨会(The International Workshop on Embedded Multicore SoCs) 2010 的会议主席。担任RTSS, ICCAD, RTAS, DATE, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT, ISLPED, ASP-DAC, ICCD, LCTES 等多个顶尖国际会议的程序委员。他是国际期刊Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design (Elsevier) 在“存储器系统(Memory Systems)”上的领域编委(Subject Editor)。他在多个国际一流学术期刊如《IEEE Transactions on Computers》, 《ACM Transaction on Design Automation of Electronic Systems》, 《ACM Transaction on Embedded Computing Systems》,《IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems》,《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems》,《IEEE Transaction on VLSI》以及实时嵌入式系统的一流会议 RTSS, DAC, RTAS, CASES, CODES+ISSS, LCTES, ECRTS, ICDCS, IPDPS, ASP-DAC, DATE等发表多篇有影响的论文。自2005年,已在国际会议及期刊杂志累计发表80 篇以上的高水平论文。